One of the core beliefs at FitStar is that anyone can get and stay in shape – anytime, anywhere. We don’t think long gym sessions need to be the norm, but rather, we believe the right workout is the one that fits your lifestyle, and schedule. With the sun setting on summer, and FitStars everywhere getting back to work, or back to school, or just back to business after a break – we’ve been thinking of ways to keep you moving. Your daily routine might be changing, and your schedule may be packed, but we can help you keep your commitment to fitness. Today we’re thrilled to introduce two brand-new workouts designed with efficiency in mind: Quick HIIT from FitStar Personal Trainer Premium, and Easy Energy from FitStar Yoga Premium.
Quick HIIT is an action-packed interval workout that will put our FitStar Personal Trainer Premium rockstars to the test. How many reps can you knock out in just 22 minutes? You tell us – you’re in charge here, and this Freestyle session is as intense as you want it to be. Get warmed up with open hip squats, alternating knee raises, and toy soldiers, then get after those intervals. You have 30 seconds for each move: jumping jacks, bodyweight squats, butt kicks, and warrior 3 kickouts. Not happy with your first round of results? Dig deep and do it again. After a brief rest, you’ll move onto the next round featuring 30 seconds of mountain climbers, Spiderman pushups, jump lunges, and bicycle kicks. And, you guessed it, you’ll repeat that series a second time before resting again. The final interval will challenge your strength and stamina – but if you want a quick workout to be effective, it can’t be a cakewalk, can it? The combo of burpees, shadow boxing, star skaters, and air jump rope can be tough when you’ve been giving your all, but we know you can do it (twice!). Finish up with some good stretches and you can get back to your day. We know you have 22 minutes to sweat somewhere in your schedule; check out Quick HIIT in FitStar Personal Trainer Premium, and Make It Happen! Need to level up to unlock this workout? Get Premium now.
Want a less intense workout that will still charge you up? The latest Freestyle session from FitStar Yoga Premium will get you moving in only 22 minutes! Check out Easy Energy, a brief session that’s packed with poses for efficient exercising. Ease into this workout with a seated intro, all fours, and cat & cow poses, then stretch deeper with down dog variations and a sequence of standing poses. As you get into the heart of the Freestyle session, you’ll channel your inner warrior (2) and runner (as you lunge) before opening up your body in scorpion dog pose. Finish up this workout with a supine series and you’ll be one happy FitStar (or, a FitStar in happy baby pose). Easy Energy is a yoga workout for anyone who feels like they just don’t have time to do a yoga workout. You’ll strengthen your body, hone your focus, and engage all your muscles as you get deeper in the stretches, and stand taller in the poses. We know you can find 22 minutes to get flexibly fit. Head over to FitStar Yoga Premium and enjoy Easy Energy today! Want to unlock this Freestyle session? Level up to FitStar Yoga Premium now.
Keep Moving,
– Team FitStar
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