Halloween is nearly here! Battle the candy bowl bulge with a fresh and fun workout of six spooky moves. Well, they aren’t super spooky… it’s mostly spooky how strong you’ll feel after the six-minute session.
So, don’t be a Fraidy Cat – this workout is great, even for The Running Dead. You’ll kill the Dead Lift and squash the Spiderman Pushups. We know you’ll feel a boo-tiful burn with the Boo-ty Lifts, so much so that you’ll need to hit a Corpse Pose to recoup. No costumes necessary, but that might add more delight while you get frighteningly fit!
Six minutes – six moves. Do it once, or make like Superman and Wonder Woman and hit it again.
Six Spooky Moves Halloween Workout
Fraidy Cat (a.k.a. Cats and Cows) – 45 seconds
Running Dead (High Knees) – 30 seconds
(Single Leg) Dead Lift – 10 reps
Spiderman Pushups – 30 seconds
Boo-ty Lifts (Floor Bridges) – 20 reps
Corpse Pose (Savasana) – 60 seconds
What’s your favorite spooky move? Tell us in the comments below!
Keep Moving,
-Team FitStar
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