Looking to win big at a sporting event? Trying to motivate after an indulgent summer of fun and games? We know what it’s like when you need a boost to level up your exercise regimen, or get your healthy habits back on track. You might not receive a shiny medal for your efforts, but these 10 tips from Men’s Fitness will help you go for your goals.
#1 – Fuel Yourself Properly
There might be a variety of “health” and “sports” drinks on the market, but the best thing you can do for your body is drink clean, pure water. How much water? Experts suggest consuming half your body weight in fluid ounces; for example, a 150-pound person would need to drink 75 fluid ounces of water a day. Also, and you know this one already, but focus on eating food to fuel your body, starting with a balanced breakfast.
#2 – Rest Is Best
You need sleep to survive, and you definitely need sufficient sleep to hit fitness goals and achieve peak performance levels. Make sure you’re shutting off screens and winding down before catching your z’s, too.
#3 – Warming Up Works
We’ve been saying this for a long time – you need to work in some warm-up time to your workout. Not only is it a god way to prevent injury, but it’s also a great way to get better results from your workout. Also, make sure you incorporate some recovery moves into your fitness routine.
#4 – Mindfulness Matters
We just shared these concepts last week, and it’s important to repeat: the great athletes know success is often mind over matter. Of course physical training is important, but training your brain to win is crucial, too.
#5 – Coaches Count
Having someone to keep your workouts in check, to motivate you, and to watch your technique can be very helpful.
#6 – Mix It Up
Don’t stick to the same old routine or equipment for your workouts – keep things fresh, and challenge new muscles by trying new things. (Pssst: kind of like incorporating Freestyle sessions into your workouts, you know?)
#7 – Do Some Heavy Lifting
There are experts that say you should double down on strength. To quote this article “In order to be great, you must challenge yourself to attain maximum strength gains.”
#8 – Pull Up To Greatness
Pull ups and back-strengthening exercises will benefit you. Practicing these moves until you’ve mastered them will only serve your well for competitions and a healthy, strong life.
#9 – Wake Up & Work Out
Experts (and pro athletes) agree that exercising in the morning is a good idea. We like working out in the morning because it sets a great tone (mental and physical) for the rest of the day.
#10 – Get Into Group Fitness
Exercising with a buddy can be really motivating. It can be easy to hit snooze when the gym is waiting for you; it’s hard to ignore your pal honking their horn outside your home. Find a friend who has similar fitness interests and you’ll be golden.
Have you found success using some of these fitness secrets? Join the conversation below, and let us know!
Keep Moving
– Team FitStar
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